Friday, March 21, 2014


GDSS is designed to support joint decision making by two or more individuals. The
decisions involved in GDSS are mostly unstructured. The group may make decisions in several
settings like board rooms, conferences, videoconferences etc. The decision makers are in
different places, yet the GDSS software brings them together in group decision making
environment. GDSS provides support by facilitating electronic exchange of comments, views,
suggestions and approval or disapproval. The system consists of advanced presentation devices,
access to database and facilities for the decision makers to communicate electronically. All the
participants in the group decision making are provided with computer-based support that
includes data management, retrieval, graphical presentation tools, decision analysis capability,
modeling etc.


1. Display:
A work station screen or previously prepared presentation material.
2. Electronic Brainstorming:
Participants communicate comments electronically.
3. Topic Commenting:
Participants add comments to ideas suggested by others.
4. Issue Analysis: Participants
Identify and consolidate key items generated during electronic brainstorming.
5. Voting:
Participants use the computer to vote on topics with a choice or prioritization methods.
6. Alternative Evaluation:
The computer ranks alternative decisions based on preferences entered by participants.
DSS is a part of organizational MIS. MIS reports are still necessary for managers to
monitor the on going operations. DSS complements the reports by enabling managers to make
less structured decisions with greater confidence. DSS contains models, specialized database
and user interface. It helps the decision maker to interact with the data using the models and
generate information for solving semi-structured and unstructured problems. GDSS supports
joint decision-making by two or more individuals involving mostly unstructured problems in an
organizational setting.

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