Wednesday, March 19, 2014


The form in which information is denoted or represented by a combination of “1” and
“0”s is called machine language. Programs and data are ultimately represented in machine
language in memory and other hardware of the computer.
To start with computer programmers used machine language for programming. It was
tedious since each operation that the computer has to perform is denoted by a particular
combination of”1” s and”0”s.Also each computer had its own machine language code. One has
to remember all these codes to write a program.
While machine language had the drawbacks mentioned above, it was very efficient in
using computer circuits. There was no necessity for software to convert since we can directly
represent the machine language in the computer circuits without the necessity of conversion.

First Programmer

Lady Lovelace Ada Augusta (officially the first programmer) suggested binary numbers for computer storage instead of decimals. A British mathematician, Alan Mathison Turing, was the first person to recognize that programming in machine language is less time consuming. In 1952, John von Neuman proposed to have new programs loaded from a magnetic tape to read. With differences in magnetic polarities, it can mean either ON of OFF states.

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