Wednesday, March 19, 2014


E-mail is an electronic message sent form one computer to another. We can send or
receive personal and business-related messages with attachments, such as pictures or formatted
documents. We can even send songs and computer programs.
The e-mail communication is incredibly simple. A person with a PC and a modem to
connect to the network can communicate with the other(s) so connected to the network. The
message can be prepared and sent instantly. The other person finds the e-mail when he checks
his mailbox and may replay to the message in the same way. The message sent is private and no
other person can read it.
Each user of e-mail service has a user ID or password serving as e-mail address. First
thing to do is to get online using modem and communication software. The system requires userid
and password. Now the user can prepare his message in the form of a document using a word
processor. The e-mail address of the recipient has to be typed in before the message is sent,
With e-mail each person connected to the system is allotted a mailbox and the software
required for sending and receiving e-mail. The mailbox is simply a file into which the e-mail
system stores electronic documents. The user can check his mailbox for messages over the
network. The sender specifies his identify and that of the recipient. The sender then prepares the
document or retrieves the stored document and sends it.
E-mail is a document communication facility. To ensure that the recipient also
understands the emotions as well, a set of special symbols is used to convey some non-verbal
signals. A few of such symbols are given below.
E-mail is the transmission of information electronically from terminal to terminal. The
document is prepared in a word processor and is mailed electronically. The basic facilities in e-
mail include message creation, message transfer and post delivery service. The e-mail service
may be traditional mainframe based or minicomputer based or LAN based system with PCS to
access from.

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