Friday, March 21, 2014


Expert systems have evolved out of the work on artificial intelligence over the past few
decades and are finding increasing applications in business. The system gathers together a
database of knowledge or expertise to offer advice or solution for problems in a particular area
by emulating the abilities and judgments of human experts. It accumulates all the expert
knowledge in a given area so that the advice or solution offered is better than that of a single
consultant or expert. It guides users through problems by asking them a set of questions about
the problem. The answers given are checked against the rule base in the system to draw
appropriate conclusions from the problem situation. Expert systems are particularly useful in
dealing with unstructured problems.

Expert system was originally developed to replicate abilities of human experts. The
system captures and stores human knowledge in a area of expertise, called domain, a uses it to
solve problems which other wise requires the help of human experts. The solution suggested by
the system is expected to be superior to that by any single expert.
Expert systems are designed to solve real problems in a particular domain that normally
would require a human expert. It can solve many types of problems. It is designed to solve
some problems very effectively. But it cannot solve every problem one might encounter in an
Developing an expert system involves extracting relevant knowledge from human experts
in the area of problem, called domain experts. Such knowledge is often heuristic in nature. That
is, it is some useful knowledge based on some “rules of thump” rather than absolute certainties.
Acquisition of such rules of thump and storing them in knowledge base are serious tasks in
building a knowledge base. A knowledge engineer does this of knowledge acquisition and
building a knowledge base.

The expert system consists of two major parts: the development environment and the
consultation environment. The expert system builder uses the development environment to build
the components and store expertise into the knowledge base. Non-expert user uses the
consultant environment to get the expert opinion and advice from the expert system.


 The expert systems have the following components:
(1). Knowledge acquisition facility
(2). Knowledge base
(3). Knowledge-based management system
(4). Reasoning capability
(5). Work space
(6). Explanation facility
(7). Inference engine, and
(8). User interface
These components are briefly explained below:
1. Knowledge Acquisition Facility
Domain experts acquire expertise in their area of expertise over a long period. The
expertise may be the result of their constant interaction with similar experts, observation and
personal experience in the domain. Capturing expertise is one of the most difficult tasks of
building knowledge base. This facility adds new knowledge and rules to the existing knowledge
base and ensures its growth to meet emerging need. Usually a knowledge engineer takes care of
this task. He identifies and interacts with the domain experts to gather expertise.
2. Knowledge Base
Knowledge base is just like the database of information system. It stores knowledge and
rules and explanations associated with the knowledge. Knowledge representation is a major task
in expert system building. The knowledge must be meaningfully represented in the system so
that the system can relate to real world problems.
The knowledge base includes three of knowledge such as:
Factual knowledge
Heuristic knowledge, and
Meta knowledge
The factual knowledge consists of facts about the domain, say, finance, medicine, design,
etc., heuristic knowledge relates to the rules associated with a domain or problem area. Meta
knowledge enables the expert system to use and analyses facts, extract those facts and specify the
route to a solution. It refers to the ability of an expert system to learn from its own experience.
The knowledge base contains data and facts relevant to a problem area. The most
common way to represent knowledge in expert systems is in the form of rules such as if
……then statements. Semantic networks and frames are other forms of knowledge
representation in expert systems. The inference engine contains reasoning methods. It is a piece
of software that probes the user and searches the knowledge base for the appropriate solution.
The user interface links the user with the expert system. It sorts up screens for user-interaction
with the system. Such interaction leads to identification and solution of problems.
3. Knowledge-based Management System
It is similar to a database management system in an information system. Its major task is
to up data the knowledge base with knowledge and rules.
4. Work Space
The workspace or black board is a memory area used for describing the current problem,
and storing intermediate results.
5. Explanation Facility
Most expert systems have explanation facilities. It explains how recommendations are
derived. The user can know how the expert system arrived at the solution, why some alternatives
were rejected, why some information was asked for etc. The explanation facility answers these
questions by referring to the system goals, data input and the decision rules. For example, in
case of loan proposal evaluation, the expert system’s explanation facility will clarify on probing
why one application was approved and why another was rejected. In case of a medical expert
system such as Mycin, this facility builds confidence in the user about the expert system and the
solution it provides to problem.
6.Reasoning Capability or Knowledge Refinement
The expert system has the capability to analyze why its solution failed or succeeded and
ways of improving its solution.
7. Inference Engine
The inference engine works like the model base in decision support system. It
manipulates a series of rules using forward chining and backward chaining techniques. In
forward chaining the inference engine poses a series of if ….then condition checking. Based on
the responses a particular solution is suggested. In backward chaining technique, the inference
engine starts with the goal and checks whether the conditions leading to that goal are present.
8. User Interface
The system provides an interface for the users to interact with the system to generate solutions.
It is similar to the dialogue facility in decision support system. The artificial intelligence
technology tries to provide a natural language interface to users.


Another way to analyze expert system components is to look at the physical ingredients
of the system as follows:
1. Hardware
Expert system shells operate on all types of hardware such as micro-computers,
minicomputers and mainframe computers. Since microcomputers have become ubiquitous, it
has become the standard hardware platform.
2. Software
Two types of software are needed for expert system: symbolic programs and expert
system shells.
The expert systems were developed in symbolic programming languages. They have
facility to process symbols rather than numbers. Expert system shells consist of a set of
programs that provide an environment to declare rules and other knowledge. The shell also acts
as an interface between the user and the expert system.
3. Knowledge
Expert system stores knowledge for decision-making. The knowledge may be
represented in a meaningful way such as rule-based format or frame-based or a combination of
both so that it can be retrieved to solve real-life problems.
4. People
Expert system requires some personnel with some expertise.
5. Knowledge Engineers
Knowledge engineers are responsible for creating an expert system. They interview
domain experts and build knowledge base of the system. Their tasks are acquiring knowledge,
modeling knowledge, and encoding knowledge.
6. Procedures
Both the users and expert system operators have to follow certain procedures for working
with the expert system. The procedures for normal operations and recovery operations have to
be developed and maintained.


The following are some of the characteristics of Expert system:
  • Expert system is capable of handling challenging decision problems and delivering solutions. Expert system uses knowledge rather than data for solution. Much of the knowledge is heuristic-based rather than algorithmic.
  • The knowledge is encoded and maintained separately from the control program.
  • Expert system has the capability to explain how the decision was made. It can also state why a particular piece of information was needed for the solution.


An Expert system can be used if the following conditions are met:
  • The problem cannot be specified in terms of a well-defined algorithm.
  • The problem requires consistency and standardization.
  • The domain or problem area is narrow or limited.
  • When the task is hazardous.
  • There is scarcity of experts in the area.
  • The problem involves complex logic or a large number of rules.
  • Human experts have successfully solved similar problems.


Expert System is an application area of artificial intelligence. Its purpose is to analyze how
human experts make decisions and replicate this decision capability at affordable costs for
organizations. It advantages are:
  • It enhances decision quality.
  • It reduces the cost of consulting experts for problem solving.
  • It provides quick and efficient solutions to problems in narrow area of specialization.
  • It offers high reliability of expert suggestions or decisions.
  • It gathers scarce expertise and uses if efficiently.
  • It can tackle very complex problems that are difficult for human experts to solve.
  • It can work on standard computer hardware.
  • It can not only give solutions, but also the decision logic and how the solution was arrived at.
Hence, the explanation facility permits a review of the decision and its logic.


Expert System is not the result of a one-shot development. It is subjected to an iterative
process of problem identification and refinement. Once the system is found to be working
satisfactorily, it is implemented for consultation and decision-making. Some of the limitations of
expert system are:
  1. It is difficult to extract expertise from human experts and hence the knowledge base may not be complete. 
  2. Each problem situation is different from problem to problem. Hence, the solution suggested by a human expert is bound to be different from expert system solution.
  3. Expert system is effective in solving specific problems in narrow domains. It fails in properly analyzing problems in a larger area and in suggesting solutions.
  4. The cost and time required for developing expert system are very high. Hence, expert system is not affordable for most firms.
  5. Expert systems are expensive to build and maintain. In many cases the system has to be developed for the organization. If packages are installed they may have to be customized for the requirement of the organization.
  6. It is impossible to build any useful expert system as the expert system cannot capture all the assumptions on which real-life decisions are based.
  7. It takes long period of time to develop and fine tune an expert system. 
  8. Large expert systems are difficult to develop and maintain.


Business Insight
This expert system offers facility for strategic analysis. It is based on knowledge from
over thirty business experts. It identifies strength, weaknesses, inconsistencies etc. and gives a
through explanation. Business Resource Inc. developed this system.
Forecast Pro
It is a business forecasting expert system. The expert system examines data and the
program helps the users in forecasting using statistical tools like exponential smoothing,
regression, Box-Jenkins etc. This software is from Business Forecast System.
It is designed for use in prospecting for minerals. It recommends probable sites for
mineral deposits.
It is a famous expert system for medical diagnosis. It diagnoses blood infections and
recommends treatment.
Expert system is an extension of the artificial intelligence. The system is designed for
mimicking experts in there are of expertise. It collects and stores knowledge and rules in its
knowledge base. A user interface is provided to the user to interact with the inference engine in
generating solutions and getting explanations. Expert systems are useful in tackling complex
problems without the help of experts. They are used in a wide variety of applications such as
diagnosis, design, planning, forecasting and control. Even though it is extremely useful for
decision-making, it has its own limitations.


 A decision support system is a computer application that helps users analyze problems
and make business decisions more confidently. It uses data routinely collected in organizations
and special analysis tools to provide information support to complex decisions. For example, a
firm’s sales department may be interested in analyzing various sales decision options. The
decision support application might gather data, present the data graphically and help in
evaluating various options. It may use past sales figures, project sales based on sales
assumptions for each alternative considered and display information graphically. It may also use
artificial intelligence to enhance its decision support capability.

Decision Support System assists managers in making unstructured decisions. The system
enables them to interact with the database, model base and other software. It enables the users to
generate the information they need rather than depend on some reports produced according to
some anticipated information needs. DSS is more suited to handling unique and non-routine
decision problems. In many situations the problem itself may not be easily identified. Similarly,
identifying alternatives, identifying outcomes of each alternative considered, evaluation of
alternatives etc. pose problems to the decision maker. Each problem might require a different
approach to problem definition, analysis and resolution. Not only that it is difficult to solve such
problems, it is also possible that the decision process and solution vary with the decision maker.

DSS is designed to support managerial decision-making, usually, at middle and top levels
of management. Decisions made at the top level are mostly futuristic and non-repetitive in
nature. Such decision situations are highly uncertain and even specification of information
requirements for decisions are difficult. They are classified as non-programmable or
unstructured decision situations. The impact of such decisions will be seen throughout the
organization and cost of a wrong decision is usually very high, for example a decision to sell off
a line of business. This is in sharp contrast to programmable or structured decisions where the
decision procedure can be well defined and every information requirement can be pre-specified.
Most of the decisions taken at lower levels of management fall into this category. For example,
a decision to replenish stock of an inventory item is a highly structured decision taken at the
operational level. DSS is intended to help managers making unstructured decisions. ‘the system
includes a database, various models (Mathematical models for optimization etc.) and an interface
for the manager (usually a terminal) to interact with the system. The manager takes data from
the database, selects appropriate model or models and analyses the data using these models to
know the probable results of various actions.
DSS is thus an interactive computer system with many user-friendly features aimed at
helping non-computer specialist managers in making plans and decisions on their own. With the
recent advances in computing technology, particularly the powerful microcomputer and
interactive devices, the uses of DSS is expanding rapidly as these managers find it easy to access
databases and model base for retrieving and analyzing data.
DSS contains a database, models and data manipulation tools to help decision makers. It
is useful where decisions are semi-structured or unstructured. The decision rule for a structured
decision can be pre-specified. Hence, it is possible to automate such problem solving.

Intelligence activities are targeted at discovering problems of organizations. The
information reporting system can handle most of these information requirements. In the design
phase, alternative solutions to the problem identified are generated. This stage requires more
focused information and more intelligence based systems like DSS and Knowledge based
systems. Choice phase involves selecting the right alternative. This requires thorough
evaluation of the consequences of all the alternatives under consideration in terms of risk and
return, and its impact on problem area.

Decision implementation is a critical phase. Managers are anxious about the results of
decision implementation right from day one of implementation. In this phase, managers call for
information on implementation of decision such as stage of implementation, time and cost
involved, implementation constraints, and impact of implementation.
DSS can support repetitive or non-repetitive decision-making. It provides capabilities
for repetitive decision-making by defining procedures and formats. For example, an insurance
agent may use a DSS package to help clients in choosing insurance schemes. With the
privatization of insurance in the country, innovative insurance products are being introduced. An
investor will find it difficult to properly identify an insurance product matching his or her
requirements. The agent can carry a laptop with a DSS for insurance products to his clients. The
DSS can be used by the sales agent to demonstrate to the clients the details of each scheme in
terms of risk covered, bonus, maturity value, premiums etc. and help the clients arrive at their
decisions to purchase insurance policy.
DSS can also help non-routine decision-making. In fact its utility is high when nonrepetitive
decisions are made. For solving a non-repetitive problem, the DSS provides data,
models and interface methods to the user to select and analyze data. For example, a marketing
manager might want to analyze the potential demand for new products that the company is
planning to introduce. The marketing manager can use a DSS to forecast the demand using
relevant data about the market obtained form some database service firms like Centre for
Monitoring Indian Economy. The analysis will provide new insights into the market behaviour
and product performance that will help the manager in introducing new products into the market.



Basically, there are two types of DSS. One is data-driven DSS and the other is modeldriven
DSS. The data driven DSS, helps in generating useful information from huge quantity of
data in organizational databases, data warehouses and websites. Data mining techniques are
employed to generate useful information. The model-driven DSS contains mathematical models
to carry out “what if” analysis and sensitivity analysis.


  1. It is designed and run by managers.
  2. It contains a database drawn from internal files and external environment.
  3. It focuses on decision processes rather than on transaction processing.
  4. It is concerned with a small area of managerial activity or a small part of a large problem.
  5. It permits managers to test the probable results of alternative decisions.
  6. It supports decision-making, usually in solving semi-structured complex problems.
  7. It helps in refining managerial judgment applied to problem solving.
  8. It improves managerial decisions and thereby managerial effectiveness.
  9. The decision maker retains control over decisions throughout the decision process.


Components of DSS include the following
1. DSS Database:
DSS requires a database of its own. It can use data in organizational database. But this
will slow down the application. There is also a risk of DSS applications modifying data in
the organizational database. Hence, DSS generally uses data from its own database built up
from transaction data drawn from organizational database and other relevant data collected
from outside.
2. Model base:
It contains a collection of mathematical and analytical models that the DSS user may
want to analyze the data. Each DSS is designed for a specific purpose such as firefighting,
diagnostics, oil exploration etc. Hence, the models in the model base will vary from DSS to
DSS. Generally, it contains statistical models, optimization models, forecasting models etc.
3. The Hardware:
DSS requires hardware to provide the capability to the users to interact with the database
and models using DSS applications.
4. The User interface:
The user interface of DSS supports the interaction between the user and the data using the
5. Analysis tools:
These include many tools which can be used at any level of management. The tools used
at the three levels of management in an organization are as follows:
  • DSS Tools for operational Management
The operational management level requires assistance for day to day operations. The
areas where DSS can support operational management include:
· Material requirement planning
· Linear programming
· Queuing theory
· Analysis of variance
· Correlation analysis
· Descriptive statistics like mean, median etc.,
  • DSS Tools for Tactical Planning and Management Control:
· Dynamic programming
· Regression analysis
· Correlation analysis
· Factor analysis
· Multidimensional Scaling
· Game theory
· Discriminate analysis
· Non-linear programming
· Network analysis
  • DSS Tools for Strategic Planning:
· Expert systems
· Natural language systems


DSS has acquired many capabilities over the years. Some of the major capabilities are as
1. What if Analysis:
This helps in analyzing the cause-effect relationship of variables. For example, if
advertisement budget for a year is increased by 30% what will be its effect on total sales that
2. Model Building:
Model building is a central task in most decision support systems. It involves
mathematically specifying the relationship between variables. For example, a sales forecasting
model based on advertisement expenditure will specify the relationship between sales and
advertisement in terms of mathematical statement as:
Sales = 10.94 X Advertisement expenditure
It means sales turnover will be 10.94 times the advertisement expenditure for the period.
3. Sensitivity Analysis:
This capability offers facility ot analyze the effect of multiple variables. For example,
what should be the cost of financing a project to get a return on investment of 20% after meeting
costs of interest and other operations.
4. Risk Analysis:
This facility provides a useful probability distribution to the decision maker to assess the
risk involved. For example, a probability distribution of profit helps the decision maker to
expect certain profit level with certain probability.
5. Goal Seeking Analysis:
This facility is the reverse of ‘what if’ analysis. It answers questions like what should be
the price per unit to generate a profit of Rs. 10, 00,000 from a project. This facility is normally
available in spreadsheets.
6. Graphic Capability:
This facility portrays data in the form of charts, graphs and diagrams to reveal underlying
trends and patterns.
7. Exception Reporting Analysis:
This facility tracks exceptions like over due accounts, production runs that result in more
power consumption than estimated, sales men who could not meet sales targets etc.
8. Hardware Capabilities:
It can be implemented on a wide rage of hardware configuration ranging form PC to
9. Access to Database:
DSS accesses data stored in databases also in external files. DSS tools have the
capability to maintain internal files once data is retrieved form other sources.


GDSS is designed to support joint decision making by two or more individuals. The
decisions involved in GDSS are mostly unstructured. The group may make decisions in several
settings like board rooms, conferences, videoconferences etc. The decision makers are in
different places, yet the GDSS software brings them together in group decision making
environment. GDSS provides support by facilitating electronic exchange of comments, views,
suggestions and approval or disapproval. The system consists of advanced presentation devices,
access to database and facilities for the decision makers to communicate electronically. All the
participants in the group decision making are provided with computer-based support that
includes data management, retrieval, graphical presentation tools, decision analysis capability,
modeling etc.


1. Display:
A work station screen or previously prepared presentation material.
2. Electronic Brainstorming:
Participants communicate comments electronically.
3. Topic Commenting:
Participants add comments to ideas suggested by others.
4. Issue Analysis: Participants
Identify and consolidate key items generated during electronic brainstorming.
5. Voting:
Participants use the computer to vote on topics with a choice or prioritization methods.
6. Alternative Evaluation:
The computer ranks alternative decisions based on preferences entered by participants.
DSS is a part of organizational MIS. MIS reports are still necessary for managers to
monitor the on going operations. DSS complements the reports by enabling managers to make
less structured decisions with greater confidence. DSS contains models, specialized database
and user interface. It helps the decision maker to interact with the data using the models and
generate information for solving semi-structured and unstructured problems. GDSS supports
joint decision-making by two or more individuals involving mostly unstructured problems in an
organizational setting.


The introduction of mini computer in to office in the late sixties has since then changed very significantly the way the work is done in office. Office automation is an assorted mix of technologies with the basic objective of improving the efficiency of office work. Office automation systems include the application of computer-based office- oriented technologies such as word-processing, desktop publishing, electronic mail, teletext and teleconferencing.

Business transactions are certain events that occur routinely in a business firm such as purchase and issue of raw materials. The nature and volume of transactions depend on type and size of business. These transactions are to be recorded to measure efficiency of operations and resource use. The transaction processing system (TPS) is the most important and rich source of data for a business firm.
The important areas in office automation are:
1. Word processing
2. Desktop publishing
3. Word processing
4. Electronic mail
5. Facsimile (FAX)
6. Voice Mail
7. Teleconferencing
8. Electronic fund transfer
9. Image storage and retrieval systems:
10. Multimedia systems:
1.Word processing:
Word processing permits typing in documents, manipulation of such documents and their
storage and retrieval.
2. Desktop publishing:
This uses computer hardware and software to produce documents of professional print
quality. The use can combine test, artwork, photos and a variety of fonts to produce the document.
3. Electronic mail:
E-mail is the fastest growing communication mode. Computer network facilitate
communication between computers. The electronic transfer of messages between computers is
quick, convenient and economic.
4. Facsimile (FAX):
The FAX machine sends and receives text and images. The text and images are converted into
digital form and at the receiving end it is converted into text and image form.
5. Voice Mail:
Voice mail sends digitized speech over phone to a mailbox and the message is digitally
stored at the receiving end, which can be accessed using telephone.
6. Teleconferencing:
It is the use of telecommunication technology to see people face to face without their
physical proximity to each other. The participants gather in specially equipped rooms capable of
simultaneous audio and video transmission

7. Image storage and retrieval systems:
These systems convert paper documents into electronic files and images for easy storage
and retrieval.
8. Electronic fund transfer:
It is a facility to transfer funds between accounts of customers with banks. At the point
of sale counter customers presents his cark and keys in a code and if the card and coke tally the
bill amount id transferred to the account of the retailer and the customer’s account is updated.
9.Multimedia systems:
The multimedia systems store. Retrieve and process different types of data such as text, graphics,
audio, video and animation. They facilitate information storage, retrieval and presentation in a
variety of impressive ways.


The transaction processing system (TPS) was the earliest form of computerized
management information system. Originally, business transactions were processed manually.
This was partly replaced by machine-assisted data processing systems. Gradually, electronic
data processing was introduced to record business transactions. TPS is today an integral part of
computer-based information systems. It is very difficult to imagine an organization without a
functional TPS. For example, if an airline reservation system breaks down for a day or two, it
will cripple the company and the flights will be in disarray causing untold miseries to customers.
In a business firm, there are two types of flows in and out of the firm. The first is a
physical flow. It is the flow of inputs through various processes within the firm and the output of
products and services out of the firm. The second is information flow. Information system
tracks the physical flow. The physical flow of input and output is measured and recorded. These
records are the sources of data for information corresponding to the physical flow.

The operations management takes care of the physical flow of resources and the
transaction processing system takes care of the information flow. The transaction processing
system processes all transactions and records them. This results in generation of transaction data
which are structured and stored in databases. Apart from recording routine transactions, TPS
also updates master files and databases.


 Transaction processing is a basic activity in organizations. It is a routine and repetitive
activity that triggers a few other activities like updating database and generation of documents
forming a cycle. The transaction processing cycle consists of six steps such as:
a. Data entry
b. Input data validation
c. Transaction processing and validation of results
d. File and database maintenance
e. Document and report generation, and
f. Inquiry processing
The transactions are measured in some convenient unit for recording such as money unit
for expenses, hours in case of labour etc. Data pertaining to the transaction must be entered into
the system. The source of this data usually is a document such as sales order from customers,
invoice from suppliers etc., these are called source documents and they provide the basic data for
TPS. The data is entered using either the traditional data entry methods or the direct data entry
methods. In the former method the source documents like purchase order are prepared and
usually accumulated into batches. The direct entry method uses automated systems for data
capturing and recording. Point of sale terminals, optical scanners and MICR devices are used in
capturing data and transferring data to computers in real time for transactions processing.
Input data validation is the next step in TPS. It checks the accuracy and reliability of data
by comparing it with range data or standards etc. It involves error detection and error correction.
Checking for errors include checking the data for appropriate format, missing data and
inconsistent data. If the data value falls outside the normal range it is invalid. For example, if a
firm’s orders for materials in kilograms ranging from 100 to 1000 kilograms and if that range is
accepted as normal data range for purchase orders, then this range is coded into the program for
validation checking. That whenever a purchase order is prepared, as soon as quantity is entered
in the appropriate column the system check whether the quantity entered is between 100 and
1000. Otherwise it will give an error message as “Check the Quantity Entered, it is out of
range” or some other error message as is coded.
Processing of transaction data is the next step. This involves some computation,
checking and comparing etc. For instance, if it is a credit sale transaction, then the total value of
the transaction has to be computed, the system should check whether the value is within the
credit limit sanctioned to the customer, it should check the availability of stock, delivery data
possible etc.
Once the transaction is processed, certain output needs to be generated. The output may
be some documents like sales invoices, pay slips etc. Or screen displays or the output data may
used to update related databases. Files and databases have to be updated with each transaction or
each batch of transactions. In case of applications that are not time critical, the transactions may
be processed in batch mode. Certain systems like airline reservation require updating with every
transaction for giving status information in real time. Direct data entry devices have to be used
to capture transaction data and update related files and databases to provide current information
to users.
Inquiry processing is another activity of transaction processing system which involves
providing information on current status like inventory levels, customer credit limit, dues from a
particular customer, inbound supply, et. The inquiry response is pre-planned and the on-screen
display or output is formatted for the convenience of the requester.
A business transaction with a customer involves a good or service that a customer want
and the business provides for a price. The TPS supports the delivery process.
To complete a transaction with an external entity like customer, supplier etc. a series of
activities is involved such as checking of account, current inventory balance, delivery time and
For instance, the transaction at a bank counter involves checking of account balance,
withdrawal of money or deposit of money. In the case of some transactions, an activity serves as
a trigger and a series of activities follow it. For example, a sales order from a customer is
followed by a number of activities; some of these are queries like:
  • Checking whether the customer is an existing or a new customer,
  • Checking customer’s credit limit to know whether the transaction is within the permitted credit limit or not,
  • Checking inventory balance to know whether the order can be fulfilled within the time the customer needs it,
  • Checking production schedule to know how much will be added to finished stock at the end of a production period,
  • Checking of back orders to know how much stock will be left to meet this sale order.
  • Once this querying is over and if adequate stock is available for meeting the order, the sales order is approved and the transaction is processed. This involves
  • Debiting customer account with the value of goods
  • Crediting sales file with the value of goods
  • Updating inventory file with the quantity of stock sold
  • Generating a packing list for the Dispatch department to assemble the order
  • Generating documents like sales invoice bill of exchange etc.
  • Packing the goods and handing them to the delivery staff, and
  •  Delivering the goods.
TPS actually tracks the physical workflows. Each operation of the workflow is recorded. At
each of these points in the sales order processing, the information about the state of the order is


TPS is a fundamental activity subsystem of information system and plays a very critical
role in any organization. Some of the major features of TPS are as follows:
1. Integration tool
TPS integrates the various departments in an organization. Each department will
generate data and these transaction data flows into a centralized database. The common database
provides the raw data for information generation for various decision makers. TPS thus
integrates the various functional units of an organization.
2. Links customers with the organization
TPS also connects customers with the organization’s warehouse, plant and management.
If TPS fails, it may cut the link with customers and organization cannot transact business with
3. Inputs
Processing involves sorting, listing, merging, updating etc. The inputs are transaction
data like customer code, name product, quantity price etc.
4. Output
The output includes invoice, sales reports, lists, summaries, and inquiry responses. These
are the results of enquiry processing, report processing and interactive processing.
5. The users
TPS is designed to support lower level management. The transactions are highly
structured and routine in nature. Applications are developed to facilitate data capture and
recording. Mostly, operations personnel and supervisors are the user4s of transaction processing
6.User Department Specific
TPS is designed for each department to cater to its special data processing needs. Thus,
production department will have a TPS for processing transactions in the department; marketing
department will have another TPS for it and so on.
7. Highly structured
TPS is highly structured. Business transactions are routine events with relatively very
high frequency like those of inventory management, payroll processing, accounting etc. Hence,
these are early candidates for computerization in most business firms.
8.Scope for cost savings
Since manual transaction processing requires too man y hands and are often inefficient,
most organizations computerize transaction processing. This results in cost savings and drastic
improvement in efficiency of service and information availability.


Processing of transactions results in certain documents. These documents may be
classified into any of the following types:
(a) Informational Documents:
These documents just inform that something has taken place or is taking place. For
example, a sale confirms that the order has been received from the customer and has been
(b).Action Oriented Documents:
These documents need to be acted upon. For example, a purchase order initiates a
purchase. Similarly a production order instructs the production department to start production
of the products mentioned in the production order.
(c). Investigational Documents:
These are generated on an exceptional basis. For example, whenever operations are not
conforming to the range of deviations permitted, the variations are tracked and analyzed. A
report is generated to enable the control point to take corrective action.
The reports or outputs generated by the TPS can also be classified into the following
(a). Pre-planned Reports:
Formats of these reports are pre-designed. These reports are frequently generated to meet
information requirements of planning and control of actions. Most of these reports are periodic
in nature like daily report, weekly report, monthly report etc. for example, weekly sales analysis
report submitted to the sales manager helps him to know whether the sales targets for the week
were met or not. If the targets were not met, the reasons for failure to meet the targets are also
analyzed and mentioned in the report. This enables a manager to take corrective action.
(b). Pre-planned Enquiries:
For the smooth an deficient functioning of any business, a lot of status information will
be needed. For example, if a sale order comes from a customer, the sales clerk needs some status
information about the stock of that particular inventory item, pending orders, credit limits in case
of credit transaction etc. before he confirms the order. Most of this type of status information
needs can be met through built-in query facility.
(c). Ad-hoc Reports and inquiry Responses:
These reports and inquiries are infrequent or are not anticipated. They are needed to take
some non-routine decisions or actions. For example, at the time of wage negotiation with its
workers, if a firm is considering to offer a new incentive scheme, the personnel manager / the
finance manager may want to know the implications of this decision in terms of financial
obligations. This information need cannot be anticipated in advance. Hence, such unique
information needs have to be met by ad-hoc reports and enquiry facility.
(d) User Machine Dialogue results:
For interactive decision making like in DSS, the decision maker has to enter into a
dialogue with the system to generate more useful information. The results are interactively
generated and displayed on the screen.


Transactions may be processed individually or in batches. Similarly, the processing may
be done at local offices or at the head quarters of companies. The type of processing depends on
a set of factors like the volume of data, complexity of data processing operations, processing
time constraints, computational demands and the degree of decentralization of authority. Thus,
the processing modes are as follows:
(a) Batch Processing:
Under this method transactions are accumulated into batches which are processed
periodically. Most organizations handle a large number and variety of transactions every day
such as cash sales, credit sales, sales commission, customer credit, consignment sale, advertising,
etc, in marketing area. An efficient way to process these transactions is to collect all transactions
of the same type of a particular period of time and process them as one batch of transactions.
Thus, all sales transaction of a day of a particular product are processed once in a day or period.
All these transactions are entered into the system at one time. This enables data processing
personnel to better control the entire processing cycle for that type of transaction, and leads to
more efficient scheduling of computer time.
(b). On-line Processing:
The term on-line refers to the fact that the input/output files, data files and related
equipment are connected to the computer such that a transaction may be entered at once or
information may be retrieved immediately any time. Each transaction is entered into the system
as and when it arises. There is no waiting for a minimum number of transactions to enter
transaction data into the system.
(c) On-line, Real Time Processing:
If the transaction is processed singly and as it occurs without any loss of time between
the event and recording of the event, the processing is in on-line, real time mode. It means that
the files for the transaction type are kept on-line, that is electronically connected to the computer,
and the transaction is processed quickly, for example airline reservation.
The concept of real time means that data is entered relatively quickly as they arise and
updated information is available without loss of any time between data entry and information
retrieval. Real time processing usually requires dedicated terminals connected to the central
computer. An input transaction triggers an immediate processing of data with the response being
returned in seconds, for example, on-line stock trading.
(d) Distributed processing:
This arose out of the need to channel data processing power to where data actually arise
and where it can be processed more efficiently. That is, some processing power is distributed to
local or regional level officers by installing computers there rather than centralizing it at the head
quarters. The detailed information required for daily operations remains at the local level and the
summary information required at higher levels for planning and controlling overall operations is
forwarded to the central computer.
(e) Online Transaction Processing Systems
Airlines reservation system, online securities trading system, electronic banking, railway
reservation system, hotel room booking system etc, are examples of on-line transaction
processing system.

Factors influencing the value of information in organizations

Information is data that has been processed and is meaningful to the user. It is a resource,
produced by information systems and is important to the operation and management of
organizations. It should be noted that information is neither a natural -resource, such as oil and
coal nor a resource that is acquired from the external environment or the organization such as
raw material or personnel. If it is designed suitably and properly managed, it can be the most
effective resource of the organization.
Factors influencing the value of information in organizations:
The following factors are to be considered while processing the information.
a. Completeness.
b. Accuracy.
c. Timeliness - up to date.
d. Consistency.
e. Validity - unbiased, representative, verifiable.
f. Suitability - meaningful and relevant, formatted to suit the user's needs.
g. Distinctiveness.
h. Relevance.
i. Usability.
j. Accessibility.
The Information Processing Cycle
The information processing cycle includes the following steps:
a. Acquisition
b. Input
c. Validation
d. Processing (manipulation)
e. Storage
f. Retrieval
g. Output
h. Communication
i. Disposal/Archiving.
Let us see these steps one by one here under.
a. Acquisition: It is the collection of raw data from the outside world so it can be put into
an information system.
b. Input: It is putting the acquired data into the information system.
c. Validation: It is checking the quality of the data before it is processed. Processing
invalid data gives waste information.
d. Processing (manipulation): This is a key point. At this stage data is converted into
e. Storage: Unless we want to input the data every time we process it, it is useful to store
the data. We also may want to store information that we have produced so we need not
have to keep repeating work.
f. Retrieval: This involves the reverse process of storage. The stored data or processed
information is taken back for further use. It is called as retrieval.
g. Output: All the previous steps are used to produce the results. The important output
devices include the following:
  • CRT (cathode ray tube) monitors and LCD displays
  • Printers
  • Sound cards/speakers
h. Communication: This is nothing but sending data or information to another place. This
usually involves LANs (local area networks), WANS (wide area networks - LANs
joined together), and the internet.
i. Disposal: This involves deleting data or archiving data. Issues involve the security), of
so-called "deleted" data. When data is no longer needed it can be deleted. Very sensitive
data-may needs more: when PCs delete data, they do not actually remove it from the
disk. They just mark that part of the disk as "available for saving on". Thus data can stay
on the disk and be easily restored by snoops. To really delete sensitive data it should be
wiped out. That is overwritten with trash until it is no longer readable.

Archiving means taking the data off the main storage and storing it offline usually on floppy
or CDs. If in the future the data we needed again, it is still available and it is not taking up
important hard disk space. Businesses tend to archive rather than delete data - just in case.

Need For Computer Based Information System

The computer based information system is required because of the following reasons:
Information is a valuable source to gain competitive advantage.
a) Information helps line managers in taking effective control of operations.
b) Information makes the planning more realistic.
c) Information enhances customer relationship, maintenance of equipment, etc.
d) Information helps in decision making process.
e) Information helps in implementing business re-engineering.
f) Improve the efficiency.
g) Computer operations need information to process the data correctly and produce the
desirable output.
h) Individuals need information for managing and operating the organization.
i) Organization needs information to improve the performance and growth.
j) Banker needs information to provide loans or granting credit.
k) Investors need information to know the financial status and the future prospects of the
business units.
l) Government agencies need information systems for calculating taxation and taking
regulatory measures.
In this context we shall discuss about the following information systems:
1. Management Information System
2. Office Automation Systems
3. Transaction Processing Systems
4. Decision Support Systems
5. Expert Systems


Management information system is a general term for the computer systems in an
enterprise that provide information about its business operations. It’s also used to refer to the
people who manage these systems. Typically, in a large organization MIS refers to a entirely
coordinated system of computer expertise and management, including mainframe system and the
entire network of computer resources.
In the beginning, business computers were used for the practical business of computing
the payroll and keeping track of accounts payable and receivable. As application were developed
that provided managers’ with information about sales, inventories, and other data that would help
in managing the enterprise, the term “MIS” arose to described these kinds of applications.
Today, the term is used broadly in a number of contexts and includes; decision support system,
resource and people management applications, project management, and database retrieval
Thus, MIS can be defined as “MIS is a set of inter related elements which work together
to render classified and interpreted data that are usable and used by managers in the process of
planning, organizing staffing, directing and controlling the major activities of business”.

Characteristics of MIS

MIS generally has the following characteristics.
a.Management oriented:
Beyond any doubt is the fact that MIS is a management oriented system. This could be
understood from the terminology itself. The information processing carried out by MIS if always
attempting at helping the management.
b. Management directed:
Similarly, all the activities of MIS are initiated by the management. It is the
management’s need that the MIS strives to satisfy. Hence, MIS is management directed.
c. User-machine system:
The concept of user-machine system implies that some tasks of MIS are done by the
users while others are best done by machines. There is co-existence of both men and machines in
d. Integrated system:
MIS hopes to provide the basis of integration of information processing. This leads to
common data flows. Even tough applications in a system are implemented one at a time, their
design is guided by an overall plan. In essence information system is designed as a federation of
small systems.
e. Involves large planning:
The concept of MIS goes only with planning. There is a huge amount planning coupled with
the installation and maintenance of MIS
f. Sub systems:
Naturally, a vast system like the MIS will be having plenty of sub systems which are
mutually related with defined with definite relationships and properly ordered. It is based on
subsystem concept.
g. Use of models:
MIS uses scientific and mathematical models for planning, organizing, directing and
controlling for its analysis.
h. Data base:
One of the pre-requisites for installing, implementing and successful operating of MIS is
data. Hence, there has to be a way to maintain data in data in data bases and there has to be a
central database.
i. Information as a resource:
MIS transforms data into information and the management is behind MIS. MIS provides
procedure for measuring and matching cost of obtaining and using information.
j. Flexibility in use:
MIS is so designed that it is flexible and adaptable to user requirements.
k. Others:
MIS is predictive and related to organizational levels.


The basic decision has to take into account a general approach, so that suitable systems
can be developed for different organizations depending upon their role, functions and decision
making requirement. In each organization, data gets generated at different levels. This data when
processed and analyzed becomes information which, when properly communicated in time for
the decision making can result in decision actions.

Designing of MIS involves the following steps:

a. Defining the problem or decision area.
b. Setting of system objectives.
c. Establishing system constrains(both internal and external)
d. Determining information needs.
e. Determining information source.
f. Finding out alternative solutions.
g. Evaluating alternative solutions.
h. Selecting the best alternative.
i. Preparing decision report.
j. Implementing and monitoring the selected alternative.
k. Documentation.

a) Defining the problem or decision area:
Undoubtedly problems exist in any dynamic business. What usually lacks is the clear
identification of the problems and a priority system for their solution. The problem may be in the
marketing where sales are poor or there could be problems in the inventory are where large
 stocks exists and every year it is increasing. Therefore, management must take the first step in
MIS designing by formulating problems to be solved. The precise definition of the problems is
crucial. Otherwise, the problem solver would be restricted to a solution or a system that is sub
optimal or that encompasses more than it is needed.
b) System objectives:
The system objective should clearly be stated in terms of the functions the information
system is to perform. The objective could be to cater specifically for information needs of
finance, personnel, material or any other specific area of business. It could also be to meet of
meet the total information needs of the organization. In short, system objective should be stated
in terms of what managers can do and how effectively they would be able to function after their
information requirements have been met. To give an example, in the field of inventory, the
objective could be to design better decision rules so that various levels of inventory could
adequately be controlled.
The following questions should be answered while laying down the objectives of MIS
(a) What is the purpose of the system?
(b) Why is it expected to do?
(c) What is it needed?
(d) What are the users and what are their objectives?
The objectives of MIS system design have to match the organization objectives. The aim
being to improve decision making, lower cost, meet customer demands and improve the image of
the organization.
c) Establishing system constraints:
In designing MIS the designer has to face certain limitations; sometimes called problem
boundaries or restrictions. Constraints enable the designer to stipulate the conditions under which
objectives may be attained and help to consider the limitations that restrict the design. To state it
in another way, constraints, which are provided by the manager, user or the designer himself,
limit freedom of action in designing a system to archive the objectives.
Constrains may be classified as (a) internal or(b) external to the organizations as shown
in figure:
Internal constraints:
(i) Top management support:
It is very essential for MIS system. A good environment for information system must be
set. Approval and support of top management should be taken. Their feedback and guidelines
definitely influence the kind of system managers may design.
(ii) Organizational policy:
Considerations frequently set limits on objectives and modify an intended approval for
design of a system. In every organization managers occupying various positions, influence
information flow, particularly in a decentralized system. Also company policies frequently
 define or limit the approach to system design among these polices are those concerned with
product and service, R & d, marketing finance and personnel.
(iii) Man power:
Perhaps the most signification constraint of all, is the one concerning people of
MANPOWER. Men problem is probably the fact, most often mentioned where failure to achieve
expected results is concerned. Here we have the difficulties associated with the natural human
reaction to change, the lack of interest and support, frequently met in systems design and
(iv) Cost:
It is a major resource limitation. The cost to achieve an objective should be compared
with the benefits to be derived. The other resource requirements could be space, air conditioning,
power etc.. and other facilities for setting up the information system inadequacy of resources can
greatly limit the system design.
(v) Acceptance:
Acceptance of the computerized MIS system perhaps presents the most difficult aspect of
the problem in organizations, as it causes a natural human reaction against the change .
(vi) Self Imposed restrictions:
There are those placed on the design by the manager or the designer. The data
requirements, the data volume and the rate of processing are constraints imposed by the
immediate users.
External constraints
i). Customer:
Foremost among the consideration surrounding the external environments are those
concerning the customer. Order entry, billing, and other systems that interface with systems of
the customer must be designed with the customer’s needs in mind. If certain outputs from the
system sure not acceptable to the customer, a definite limitation is to be faced.
ii). Government:
A variety of additional external constrains should be considered in addition to the
customer. The government(central, state, local)imposes certain restrictions on the processing of
data, in maintaining and in the conduct of business like taxes and reporting.
iii). Unions:
Unions can affect the operation of systems involving members in matters such as
compensation, grievances and working conditions.
iv). Suppliers:
They are also an important group to be considered when designing information systems
because these systems frequently interface with that group.
 d) Determining information needs:
A clear statement of information needs is fundamental necessity to good system design.
Unless managers can provide the specifications for What they want out of an information
system, the design effort will produce less than optimum results, If on the other hand, the user
manager can define the objectives and spell out the items of information’s that are needed to
reach the objective, he or she is, then, at least half way through in system
A manager needs information for a variety of reasons concerned with the management
process. The type of need that he or she will have at various times for various purposes depends
largely upon following factors:
Personal Attributes such as
i) Knowledge of information systems
ii) Managerial style i.e. Leadership style and decision making ability
iii) Manager’s perception of information needs.
Organizational Environment such as
i) Nature of the company,
ii) Level of management and
iii) structure of the organization
e) Determination of information sources:
The step for determining information needs is hardly completed, before we consider the
information sources. Although some systems require considerable external information, for the
most part, the natural place to turn for information is inside the firm –books, records, files,
accounting documents etc. thus most analysis refers to the step of determining information
requirements on analyzing the present system. We must not only uncover information sources for
the particular subsystem under consideration but also take into account how they fit into the
overall integrated sources of information and techniques of analysis.
f) Finding out alternative solutions:
Once the problem has been understood, the solutions for the problem are to be found out.
Ideally, one has to attempt to find out more than one alternative solution, but it should not be
much more. It should be narrow down to a few. Because having too many alternative affects the
problem solving process, increase costs and become unmanageable.
g) Evaluating alternative solutions:
Each alternative has its own advantages and disadvantages that contribute to solving the
problem in question. These must be evaluated and attached to the proposed alternative. In certain
business problems, the costs and benefits are party intangible or immeasurable. In such a
situation the problem solver should make approximations using surrogate measures and
h) Selecting the best alternative:
In this stage, the problem solver may have many alternatives which have more benefits
than costs. In such a situation he applies a decision rule or a yardstick (e.g. rate of return or time
etc.) to summaries and rank the alternatives finally the best alternative is chosen.
i) Preparation of design report:
The conceptual design report is, in a sense, a proposal for the expenditure of funds and
for organizational changes. Because it is directed to management, it should have a concise
summary of the problems that constitutes the system, the objectives, the general nature of the
system, reasons why the concept was selected over others, and the time and resources required to
design and implement the system.
j) Implementing and monitoring the selected alternative:
Once, the best alternative or system has been selected it must be implemented and
followed up. If it does not perform well and incurs more costs than implemented and controlled.
k) Documentation: For the smooth running of the MIS it is necessary that the following types
of documentations are to prepared:
i) For those providing input, a simple overview of the system, a clear description of exactly
what input is expected and a note above what input is not acceptable.
ii) For those running and maintaining the system, all the technical documentation generated
during the development process.
iii) For those using the output, a simple overview of the system, a clear description of what
the output means and a note about its limitations.


Information is needed in virtually every field, thought and action. But besides being
essential to individuals who use it do achieve personal ends; information is also needed by
managers in organizations. Manages at all levels must perform such basic tasks as staffing,
directing and controlling. The success of any business is determined by the success of its
managers in performing their activities. Activities in turn are being affected by the excellence in
decision-making. The blood pool of better decisions is information decision making must be
supported by quality information.
In short, quality information leads to better decisions enhance better managerial activates
and, effective managerial performance leads to organizational effectiveness. It is MIS which is
the supplier of information to the managers. Hence, the role of MIS is very important in every
The analysis, design and implementation of MIS are more expensive and difficult. Even
though expensive it is justified for several reasons:
1.Timeliness: Managers make decisions more quickly and take less time to solve the problems
and give satisfactory solutions to the management.
2.Accuracy: Normally the organizations are in position to provide variety of regular reports. For
the increased government regulations. Also the organizations have variety of customers,
requires variety of reports. These reports are organizations by the management accurately
with the effective MIS.
3.Reduction in inventory levels: With affective MIS the inventory levels can be maintained at
an optimum level which results into cost reduction.
4.Better liquidity: MIS provides for better liquidity by justifying account receivable, cash flow
or living systems.
5.Better work allocation: MIS ensures the better allocation of work by evaluating the benefits
of personnel allocation, maintenance control and production scheduling system. This results
into reduction in work hours which lead to monetary benefits to the firms.
6.Increase in sales: Through effective MIS, one can asses the profitability of distribution,
marketing, finished goods, inventory control, and customer order systems. This may result
into increase in sales.
7.Reduction in maintenance costs: MIS can be used as a measure for evaluating maintenance
control system and spare parts inventory control systems. It ensures reduction in maintenance
8.Completeness: In MIS, the system managers understand the management technique and the
procedures, so they are able to produce the complete reports of a system.
9.Accurate reports: The MIS has the ability to provide the complete and concise reports. For

(a) Summary reports- Summaries all activities of the organization and present in the form of
summary report.
(b) Demand reports- This reports will be prepared only when they are requested by the
(c) Customer reports- According to the specifications of the management it will be prepared.
(d) Exception reports- According to the conditions or exceptions the report is prepared.
(e) Responsibility-The MIS structure provides the boundaries of management responsibilities.

10) Other benefits: MIS provides the following other benefits.
(i) Ensures shorter response time.
(ii) Reduces the number of negative responses to customers.
(iii) Improves decision-making process.
(iv) Widens information bases for decision-making
(v) Facilitates data integration.
(vi) Simple and easy to understand.
(vii) Saves the precious time of managers.
(viii) Saves manpower.
(ix) Enhances the quality of decisions.
(x) Easy accessibility
(xi) Reduces data redundancy.
(xii) Improves productivity.


 System development involves conceiving an information system project, implementing it
and maintaining to the user’s satisfaction. These information systems are developed to solve a
problem, to make use of an opportunity, to comply with a requirement and to effect broad
improvement in business process.

Meaning of a system:

A system is a group of inter-related parts or components working together towards a
common goal by accepting inputs and producing outputs in organize transformation process.
  • The parts perform some function: there must be input and output flows to and from the system.
  • The performance of this function must be measurable, which implies monitoring.
  • The parts are organized, which implies control of actions and a decision – taking process.
  • The organized of parts also means that if a part has no interaction or connection with other parts, has no interaction or connection with other parts, it is not in the system. The system must therefore have obituaries.
  • The environment beyond the boundaries can affect and be affected by the system.

Different resources are available for the system.

  • A number or sub – systems exist which interact with each other. There are four categories in particular.
  • The information sub – system deals with the flow of information between parts of the system, and between the system and its environment.
  • The control sub – system experts control on the system.
  • The logistic sub – system collects resources , and feeds the system with resources.
  • The process sub – system provides the functional output from the system. Thus, s system essentially a group interdependent components together to achieve a specific and common objective. A collection of components that work together to realize a specific and common object forms a system. Basically there are three major components in every system, namely input, processing and output.
In a system the different components are connected with each other and they are
interdependent, For example, a human body represents a complete natural system. We are also
bound by much national system such as political system, economic system, and so forth. The
objective of the system demands that some output is produced as a result of processing the
suitable inputs.

System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

The systems development life cycle model has a well-defined iterative process. It
involves a few phases. The development follows the phases fairly exactly. The process
theoretically never ends as the cycle gets repeated, that is, on completion of one cycle the next
cycle starts with preliminary investigation.
In this approach the systems design activities such as preliminary investigation,
requirement analysis, systems design, systems acquisition and systems implementation are
carried out in strict sequence.
The traditional system development life cycle stages are to be gone through serially and
in strict sequence. Systems development life cycle is made up of the following stages:
a. Preliminary Investigation
It is an investigation into the problem and comes up with options for the management to
consider for the proposed system change. The preliminary investigation examines the request for
system change in detail to know precisely the requirements. A set of feasibility studies is used to
ascertain the viability of the project. This includes technical feasibility, economic feasibility, and
operational feasibility and schedule feasibility. The report is submitted to the management for
consideration and action.
The steps include:
  • Conducting preliminary analysis
  • Determination of objectives, scope and constraints of the proposed system.
  • Developing alternative solutions
  • Estimate cost and benefits of each such alternative 
  • Submit a preliminary report with recommendations.
b. Requirement Analysis
If the management permits the system development to continue after studying the
preliminary investigation report, new system requirements are analyzed in detail. After the
analysis, the results are presented in requirement report to the management. Requirement is any
feature that is to be included in the new system.
This process starts with the defining scope of system analysis and identifying users of the
current system. Analysts carry out a study of current user requirements and deficiencies of the
current system in meeting them. It describes the new system and the benefits it provides to the
users. It also produces a requirement definition document.
Steps include;
  • Gather data employing tools like document walk through, interviews, questionnaires, observation etc.
  • Analyze the data using CASE tools, data flow diagrams, system flowcharts, decision tables etc.
  •  Prepare a system study completion report.
c. Systems Design
The requirement analysis provides the input for designing a new system to meet the user
requirements. The new system is planned in detail at this stage. Design translates the
requirements into ways of meeting them. It produces specifications of a physical system that is
expected to meet the requirements. Specifically this includes output design, input design,
procedure design, database design and control design.
This includes:
  • Output design
  • Input design
  • Database design
  • Procedure design
  • Control design
  • Documentation of design.
d. Systems Acquisition
Hardware, software and service needs of the new system are ascertained and vendors
chosen for the acquisition.
This includes:
  • Develop or acquire software
  • Acquire hardware
  • Test the system
e. Systems Implementation
The system is finally tested and put into operation. Implementation comprises all the
activities involved in putting the system together physically and getting the people adopt the new
system. This requires training for people and conversion of data and procedures to be in
agreement with the new system.
Steps include:
  • Train the operators and users.
  • Convert to the new system
  • Develop final documentation
f. Systems Maintenance
The system may need modifications or updating due to changes in requirements. If the
changes are minor, They are incorporated into the system. If the changes are major, they start
another cycle of system development.
Steps include:
  • Perform system audit to see whether the new system implemented is as it should be
  • Perform evaluation of system performance against a set of criteria.


 Mobile Computing is a generic term describing your ability to use technology 'un
tethered'(wireless), that is not physically connected, or in remote or mobile (non static)
environments. The term is evolved in modern usage such that it requires that the mobile
computing activity be connected wirelessly to and through the internet or to and through a
private network. This connection ties the mobile device to centrally located information and/or
application software through the use of battery powered, portable, and wireless computing and
communication devices. This includes devices like laptops with wireless LAN or wireless WAN
technology, smart mobile phones, wearable computers and Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs)
with Bluetooth or IRDA interfaces.

Many types of mobile computers have been introduced since the 1990s, including the:
 a. Laptop computer:
A laptop computer, simply laptop (notebook computer or notebook), is a small mobile
computer, which usually weighs 2-18 pounds (1-6 kilograms), depending on size, materials, and
other factors. Laptops usually run on a single main battery or from an external AC/DC adapter
which can charge the battery while also supplying power to the computer itself. Many computers
also have a 3 volt cell to run the clock and other processes in the event of a power failure.
As personal computers, laptops are capable of the same tasks as a desktop computer,
although they are typically less powerful for the same price. They contain components that are
similar to their desktop counterparts and perform the same functions, but are miniaturized and
optimized for mobile use and efficient power consumption. Laptops usually have liquid crystal
displays and most of them use different memory modules for their random access memory
(RAM), for instance, SO-DIMM in lieu of the larger DIMMs. In addition to a built-in keyboard,
they may utilize a touchpad (also known as a trackpad) or a pointing stick for input, though an
external keyboard or mouse can usually be attached.
b. Sub notebook
A sub notebook is a small and lightweight portable computer, with most of the features of
a standard notebook computer but smaller. The term is often applied to systems that run full
versions of desktop operating systems such as Windows or Linux. Sub notebooks are smaller
than notebook computers but larger than handheld computers and ultra portables. They often
have screens that are 10.4” (diagonal) or less, and weigh less than 1 kg; as opposed to full-size
laptops with 12” or 15” screens and weighing 2 kg or more. The savings in size and weight are
usually achieved partly by omitting ports or having removable media/optical drives; sub
notebooks are often paired with docking stations to compensate. Sub notebooks are a niche IT
product and rarely sell in large numbers.
c. Personal digital assistants (PDAs)
Personal digital assistants (PDAs) are handheld computers, but have become much more
versatile over the years. PDAs are also known as pocket computers or palmtop computers. PDAs
have many uses: calculation, use as a clock and calendar, accessing the Internet, sending and
receiving E-mails, video recording, typewriting and word processing, use as an address book,
making and writing on spreadsheets, scanning bar codes, use as a radio or stereo, playing
computer games, recording survey responses, and Global Positioning System (GPS). Newer
PDAs also have both color screens and audio capabilities, enabling them to be used as mobile
phones (smart phones), web browsers, or portable media players. Many PDAs can access the
Internet, intranets or extranets via Wi-Fi, or Wireless Wide-Area Networks (WWANs). Many
PDA's employ touch screen technology.
d. Mobile data terminal (MDT)
A mobile data terminal (MDT) is a computerized device used in police cars, taxicabs,
courier vehicles, service trucks, commercial trucking fleets, military logistics, fishing fleets,
warehouse inventory control, and emergency vehicles to communicate with a central dispatch
Mobile data terminals feature a screen on which to view information and a keyboard or
keypad for entering information, and may be connected to various peripheral devices. Standard
peripherals include two-way radios and taximeters, both of which predate computer assisted
dispatching. MDTs may be simple display and keypad units, intended to be connected to a
separate black-box or AVL (see below) computer. On the other end of the spectrum, MDTs may
contain full, PC-equivalent hardware. The function and programmability of the devices is
similarly broad.
e. Tablet PC
A Tablet PC is a notebook- or slate-shaped mobile computer. Its touch screen or
digitizing tablet technology allows the user to operate the computer with a stylus or digital pen,
or a fingertip, instead of a keyboard or mouse.
The form factor offers a more mobile way to interact with a computer. Tablet PCs are
often used where normal notebooks are impractical or unwieldy, or do not provide the needed
f. Smart phone
A smart phone is a full-featured mobile phone with personal computer like functionality.
Most smart phones are cell phones that support full featured email capabilities with the
functionality of a complete personal organizer. An important feature of most smart phones is that
applications for enhanced data processing and connectivity can be installed on the device, in
contrast to regular phones which support sandboxed applications. These applications may be
developed by the manufacturer of the device, by the operator or by any other third-party software
developer. "Smart" functionality includes any additional interface including a miniature
QWERTY keyboard, a touch screen, or even just secure access to company mail, such as is
provided by a BlackBerry.
g. Ultra Mobile PC
The Ultra-Mobile PC (abbreviated UMPC), previously known by its codename Project
Origami, is a specification for a small form factor tablet PC. It was developed as a joint
development exercise by Microsoft, Intel, and Samsung, among others. Current UMPCs feature
the Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005, Windows Vista Home Premium Edition, or Linux
operating system and low-voltage Intel Pentium or VIA C7-Mprocessors in the 1 GHz range.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


An Extranet is a private network that uses the internet protocol and the public telecommunication system to securely share part of business information or operations with - suppliers, vendors, partners, customers, or other businesses.
Through e-mail, documents are prepared and sent electronically. The recipients need not
be present at the other end to send the message. The message gets stored in the electronic
mailbox of the addressee. The recipient can open the mailbox whenever he is free and can read
or print the message.

An Extranet can be viewed a-part of a company's intranet that is extended to users outside
the company. It has also been described as a "state of mind" in which the internet is perceived as
a way to do business with other companies as well as to sell products to customers. Extranet
extends the intranet from one location to another across the internet by securing data flow, to
another intranet to a business partner. In these way intranets of business partners, suppliers,
creditors, distributors, customers, and the like are connected to extranets by agreements.
An Extranet requires security and privacy. These require firewall server management, eissuance
and use of digital certificate or similar means of user authentication, encryption of
messages, and the use of virtual private networks that tunnel through the public network.

Uses and Characteristics of Extranet

Characteristics of Extranet

The following are the important characteristics of the Extranet.
a) It is an extended internet-private business networks located outside of the corporate firewall.
b) It can be referred to an intranet that is partially accessible to authorized outsiders.
c) It is a network that uses the internet to link businesses with others that share the common

Uses of Extranet

Companies can use an Extranet to:
a. Exchange large volumes of data using Electronic Data Interchange.
b. Share product catalogs exclusively with wholesalers or those in the Trade.
c. Collaborate with other companies on joint development efforts.
d. Jointly develop and use training programs with other companies.
e. Provide or access services provided by one company to a group of other companies, such as
an online banking application managed by one company on behalf or affiliated banks.
f. Share news of common interest exclusively with partner companies.
g. The manufacturing companies can coordinate the design manufacturing, scheduling and
delivery across supply chain.
h. With extranet the technology firms can support for their customers and partners and makes it
possible for remote access for employees.
i. The financial services firms by using extranet can reduce costs of proprietary networks.
j. With extranet the publishing companies can increase the speed of design and production
k. Other benefits:
  1. Quicker turnaround time
  2. Improved communication
  3. Decreased paper flow
  4. Traceable correspondence
  5. Better service
  6. Lower overhead and expenses
  7. Improved employee morale
  8. Increased Margins
  9. Flexibility and scalability
  10. Reduced transitional barriers
  11. Versatility
A brief list of examples of extranet could include:
  • Allowing suppliers access to relevant inventory levels
  • Allowing clients to review their account records
  • Allowing students to update address information in real time.
As with intranet, access is granted only where you establish that it is required. User
access is controlled by the latest in security technologies, protecting sensitive material from

What is the relationship between intranets, Extranets and e–commerce?

The answer has three parts. First, intranets, extranets and e-commerce have in common
the use of Internet (predominantly web) protocols to connect business users. Second, intranets
are more localized and can therefore move data faster than more distributed extranets.
(Bandwidth limitations also apply to e-commerce.) Third, the amount of control that network
managers can exert over users is different for the three technologies.
On an Internet, administrators can narrowly prescribe access and policy for a fixed group
of users. For example, a company could specify Red Hat Linux as its standard desktop operating
system, and Netscape Communicator 5 as its standard browser and mail client. The company
could then write intranet workflow applications that leverage the uniform computing
environment, over which it exercises strong control.
On a business-to business Extranet, system architects at each of the participating
companies must collaborate to ensure a common interface and consistent semantics (data
meanings). Since one company cannot reasonably enforce standards on its trading partners,
extranet application developers must taken into account a wider range of technologies than is the
case for intranets. For example, one company participating in an extranet might be using
Microsoft Internet Explorer, another Netscape Navigator 4.5 and another Navigator Gold 3.x In
order to collaborate via extranet, the applications have to perform adequately on all represented
The same is true, even more, for e-commerce, in which the trading partners may be
completely unknown to one another. This is the case when you walk into a supermarket: the
common interest in communication is based on the need to transact business, and not necessarily
on a long-term trust relationship. Thus, e-commerce applications often support a level of
security and transactional integrity (for instance, non-repudiation of orders) not present in
intranet or extranet applications.


E-mail is an electronic message sent form one computer to another. We can send or
receive personal and business-related messages with attachments, such as pictures or formatted
documents. We can even send songs and computer programs.
The e-mail communication is incredibly simple. A person with a PC and a modem to
connect to the network can communicate with the other(s) so connected to the network. The
message can be prepared and sent instantly. The other person finds the e-mail when he checks
his mailbox and may replay to the message in the same way. The message sent is private and no
other person can read it.
Each user of e-mail service has a user ID or password serving as e-mail address. First
thing to do is to get online using modem and communication software. The system requires userid
and password. Now the user can prepare his message in the form of a document using a word
processor. The e-mail address of the recipient has to be typed in before the message is sent,
With e-mail each person connected to the system is allotted a mailbox and the software
required for sending and receiving e-mail. The mailbox is simply a file into which the e-mail
system stores electronic documents. The user can check his mailbox for messages over the
network. The sender specifies his identify and that of the recipient. The sender then prepares the
document or retrieves the stored document and sends it.
E-mail is a document communication facility. To ensure that the recipient also
understands the emotions as well, a set of special symbols is used to convey some non-verbal
signals. A few of such symbols are given below.
E-mail is the transmission of information electronically from terminal to terminal. The
document is prepared in a word processor and is mailed electronically. The basic facilities in e-
mail include message creation, message transfer and post delivery service. The e-mail service
may be traditional mainframe based or minicomputer based or LAN based system with PCS to
access from.